Samewords – word disambigutaion in critical text editions ========================================================= In critical textual editions notes in the critical apparatus are normally made to the line where the words occur. This leads to ambiguous references when a critical apparatus note refers to a word that occurs more than once in a line. For example .. code-block:: text We have a passage of text here, such a nice place for a critical note. --------- 1 a] om. M It is very unclear which of three instances of “a” the note refers to. `Reledmac `__ is a great LaTeX package that facilitates typesetting critical editions of prime quality. It already provides facilities for disambiguating identical words, but it requires the creator of the critical text to mark all potential instances of ambiguous references manually (see the *reledmac* handbook for the details on that). *Samewords* automates this step for the editor. Web service and API ------------------- See some quick results by `trying out the online web service `__. For more on this and the available API endpoint, see :ref:`apiinterface`. Local install and usage ----------------------- .. code:: bash pip3 install samewords That’s it! This requires Python 3.6 installed in your system. For more details on installation, see the :ref:`installation` section. Now call the script with the file you want annotated as the only argument to get the annotated version back in the terminal. .. code:: bash samewords my-awesome-edition.tex This will send the annotated version to ``stdout``. To see that it actually contains some ``\sameword{}`` macros, you can try running it through ``grep``: .. code:: bash samewords my-awesome-edition.tex | grep sameword You can define a output location with the ``--output`` option: .. code:: bash samewords --output ~/Desktop/test/output my-awesome-edition.tex This will check whether ``~/Desktop/test/output`` is a directory or a file. If it is a directory, it will put the file inside that directory (with the original name). If it is a file, it will ask you whether you want to overwrite it. If it is neither a directory nor a file, it will create the file ``output`` and write the content to that. Alternatively regular unix redirecting will work just as well in a Unix context: .. code:: bash samewords my-beautiful-edition.tex > ~/Desktop/test/output.tex Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation mwe details cleaning configuration api reporting developing license Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Disclaimer ========== I provide no guarantees for the integrity of your software or editions when you use the package. Copyright © 2019 Michael Stenskjær Christensen, MIT License.