.. _installation: Installation ============ *Samewords* requires Python 3.6 installed in your system. If you are on a Mac OSX machine, and you use `Homebrew `__, you can run ``brew install python3``. If you do not use Homebrew (or run a Windows machine), download the `latest official python distribution `__ and follow the instructions. Easy installation ----------------- .. code:: bash pip3 install samewords That’s it! Optional: Virtual environment ----------------------------- Before installation you may want to create a virtual environment (`see more here `__) for the installation, if you don’t want to install the script globally. This is also particularly useful if you want to hack on the script. To create a virtual environment for the project, run: .. code:: bash $ mkvirtualenv -p python3 Where ```` is the name you want to give the venv. After activating the virtual environment (``workon`` or ``source``, see the guide linked above or search the interwebs), install the package.