For development

Download the repository:

git clone

From the downloaded directory, run:

$ pip install -e .

Now you should be able to run the script (while the virtual environment is activated, if you used that) by running samewords.

To see if it works, run:

samewords --help

Your should get an overview of the commands available.

When you are done, you can reset your system to the state before testing, deactivate the virtual environment. If you never want to use the script again, remove the directory of the environment (possibly with rmvirtualenv if you have installed virtualenvwrapper) and remove the directory created by the git clone command.

If you want to make a pull request

Before you start making any changes, run the test suite and make sure everything passes. From the root directory of the package, run:


If you make changes, don’t forget to implement tests and make sure everything passes. Otherwise, things will break.