
Samewords requires Python 3.6 installed in your system. If you are on a Mac OSX machine, and you use Homebrew, you can run brew install python3. If you do not use Homebrew (or run a Windows machine), download the latest official python distribution and follow the instructions.

Easy installation

pip3 install samewords

That’s it!

Optional: Virtual environment

Before installation you may want to create a virtual environment (see more here) for the installation, if you don’t want to install the script globally. This is also particularly useful if you want to hack on the script.

To create a virtual environment for the project, run:

$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 <name>

Where <name> is the name you want to give the venv.

After activating the virtual environment (workon or source, see the guide linked above or search the interwebs), install the package.