Minial working example

Take the following small example file as our-edition.tex



We have a passage of text here, such \edtext{a}{\Afootnote{om. M}} nice
place for a critical note.


If we annotate that with the command samewords our-edition.tex (in the same directory as the file is) we get back the following result



We have \sameword{a} passage of text here, such \edtext{\sameword[1]{a}}{\Afootnote{om. M}} nice
place for \sameword{a} critical note.


Notice how the three instances of “a” have been wrapped in a \sameword{} macro.

If we run the command samewords our-edition.text --output annotated-version.tex then the annotated version is saved to the file “annotated-version.tex” in the current directory.